Saturday, February 09, 2008

WALL-E Animation Thumbnails

SORRY, I've been asked to pull these images off for now. I'll post them again later when I get the green-light.

As promised, here are some of the planning drawings I did for the Super Bowl ad. I planned about 80% of the shot on paper and figured the rest out in the computer. WALL-E is really simple to pose and quick to animate, so I often experiment more in the computer than I would normally.


At 11:24 PM, Blogger David Bernal said...

AWESOME Victor!! love them! and love the ad!! the thumb where he fell on the floor and grabs the power cord up, hahahah awesome!!and where he is putting the finger on the tube to try it! Thanks so much for posting, inspiring!!
Cant wait for Wall-E!!!

At 9:07 AM, Blogger Michael said...

Really inspiring stuff! I've seen it a few times now online and can't get over how much character and personality he has, despite his expressive limitations. Always great stuff! You say that he is easier to animate because he is a robot. How so? Thanks again!

Michael Woodside

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Peter Walser said...

Wow, Victor, thanks for the perspective!

So anyways, I'm thinking of using Col-erase pencils for when I'm drawing certain kinds of frames. Blue, red, purple, and green; from extremes to tweens. How's that sound?

What software do you use for animatics? How did you learn how to use the different features? My brother helped me get my own copy of Adobe Premiere, and now I need to learn how to USE it! XD

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Mariana said...

It's really amazing the way you "bring to life" everything you touch. Like King Midas, you have a golden touch! ;0)

As many others, I'm your fan!

At 1:32 PM, Blogger Henk said...

Thanks for the peek at how you aproached this. The commercial was incredibly fun to watch.

At 5:25 PM, Blogger Noah Albrecht said...

Hey dude, as always great work, and it's fun to see your thumbs on this, and compare it to the actual finished piece. I can't remember, did you also do the Buzz and Woody animation also?


At 5:29 AM, Blogger James N. said...

Nice thumbs! I always love looking at this kind of stuff.

At 10:34 PM, Blogger Taber said...

Really love those extra vacuume wrestling thumbs. Thanks for posting them!

At 12:14 AM, Blogger Chris B said...

Cool sketches Victor. They read very easy. Good Stuff.


At 1:48 AM, Blogger Amrit Derhgawen said...

Cool!! I was really waiting for this. Thanks a lot for sharing, Victor!



At 10:33 AM, Blogger james said...

Dangit! Wish I grabbed them when I first saw them! Great blog, anyways. Your drawing ability is outstanding. No wonder you're such a fine animator.

At 8:02 AM, Blogger clockwerkz said...

Hey Victor, I hope you didn't get into trouble for putting that stuff up for us to view. It was really insightful what you did manage to put up, and I can't wait to see it again once you get clearance!!

At 8:49 PM, Blogger Victor Navone said...

Michael, I find robots easier to animate because they move in systematic, procedural ways, which is kind of how I think and approach animation. Also, the audience isn't as familiar with robot motion as they are with human motion, which leaves more room for interpretation. Finally, robots rigs have fewer controls that human rigs!

Peter, I don't think it matters what colors you use, so long as your drawings are clear. I usually use Final Cut Pro for editing, which I taught myself.

Noah, as I mentioned in a previous post, Buzz and Woody were animated by Dylan Brown and Bobby Podesta, respectively.

Clockwerkz, I didn't get in too much trouble. Pixar is pretty cool about these things. I'm just disappointed that I had to tease you guys!

Thanks for all the nice comments. I'll try to post some more non-WALL-E thumbs soon.


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